In verschiedenen Medien wurde gerade bekannt dass es einen großen Datenleak von Nintendo gibt.
Darunter ist der Quelltext des IOS der Wii und diverser Spiele.
Display More-Source code for boot0/1/2
-Block diagram/datasheets for every system component & Verilog for AES/SHA
-Documents from BroadOn describing feature planning and implementation + APIs + docs for internal software
-Source code for IOS (IOS is the Wii Operating System)
-Planning docs for implementation of the system from 2004-2006
-some wii sdk library source code (DVD, EXI)
-source code and info on manufacturing and publishing systems
-some misc. nintendo stuff (internal WPAD SDK from 2005, Wii Overview from RVL_SDK 1.0)
-"sdboot", a special manufacturing version of boot2 which loads data from the SD card; is very buggy and likely exploitable for boot2 code execution on all Wiis (it is retail signed)
-gamecube and ique stuff as well (internal gamecube docs including physical disc layout, massive 2GB+ iQue dump including full CVS for that as well
Display MoreDebug Builds of Blue and Yellow
Source code for Blue and Yellow
Japanese Debug Builds of G/S
Symbol Map for Crystal.
G/S Source code
Spaceworld '99 demos
Official GameBoy emulator
Internal lists that list everything released (including unreleased ones) for all Nintendo systems up to the DS
Pokémon Gen 7 debug builds, official 3DS legality checkers, a O-Power distribution CIA and a VC Mew distrubtion CIA
Source code for the N64, Gamecube and Wii Click to shrink...
Meinung von mir:
Einerseits sind diese Daten illegal und Nintendo hat das Recht an diesen.
Andererseits ermöglichen diese Daten die "Archivierung", den Erhalt und das Verständniss der Systeme und Spiele.