Posts by kogami

    Yes he to change well the color of buttons but just for the commands of action during the fights.

    Against the boss, the buttons was still in purple
    Thus I have make a patch so that buttons is the similar (red, yellow, green, blue).

    It is great that you to go relaunch a new patch for logo of SoM2
    I would look forward to him :)

    Would also be possible to have another patch except for for the names of the inn, the store on houses ?
    Because I would like to integrate that on the French version of the game =)

    I applied the patch to have the logo " Secret of Mana 2 " but during the opening I always have the logo " Seiken Densetsu 3 "

    You could help me to have a patch ips so that both logo is changed by the title " Secret of Mana 2 " :)

    Another thing which has nothing to do but which could can be you interest:)
    I have make a patch for Super Mario RPG to change the color of buttons when we face the boss Yumipa


    Yes, the fairy glitch has been removed successfully.

    Here is a new version of the title-screen patch. It should be work on any Seiken Densetsu 3 ROM image that has no header.

    Thank you for this patch
    I tested and that work very well

    Would also be it possible to have Pacth ips of the logo " Seiken Densetsu3 "?

    No I am not irritated ;)
    I just meant that you did not break to yourself the head lol

    Concerning the translation of ZPW she is in stand by Because I translate Mario RPG and DBZ Hyper Dimension and Chrono Trigger

    Re-traduction de Super Mario RPG

    -Battle Dialogues (100%) [red]Ré-inséré[/red]
    -Battle Messages (100%) [red]Ré-inséré[/red]
    -Dialogues (100%) [blue]En attente[/blue]
    -Equipment-Item description data (100%) [blue]En relecture[/blue]
    -Equipment-Item names (100%) [red]Ré-inséré[/red]
    -Level-Up Bonus character names (100%) [red]Ré-inséré[/red]
    -Level-Up Bonus text (100%) [red]Ré-inséré[/red]
    -Location Names (100%) [red]Ré-inséré[/red]
    -Magic Spell description data (100%) [red]Ré-inséré[/red]
    -Menu Text (100%) [red]Ré-inséré[/red]
    -Monster names (100%) [red]Ré-inséré[/red]
    -Monster special attack names (~80%) [blue]En relecture[/blue]
    -Psychopath Messages (100%) [red]Ré-inséré[/red]
    -Spell Names-Allies (100%) [red]Ré-inséré[/red]
    -Spell Names-Monsters (100%) [red]Ré-inséré[/red]

    Re-traduction de Chrono Trigger

    -Age Names (100%)
    -Enemy Names (100%)
    -Item Names (100%)
    -Location Names (100%)
    -Menu Text (100%)
    -Settings Text (100%)
    -Tech Names (100%)
    -Treasure Chest (100%)
    -Battle Party Messages (100%)
    -Item Descriptions (100%)
    -Chapter Titles (~99%)
    -Battle Messages (~70%)
    -Tech Descriptions (~20%)
    -Script Chrono Trigger (~8%)

    But I think that I am going to confide the project of translation of ZPW in one friends.
    I am going to ask her to come here so that you how explains her to translate the game if you want