Beiträge von x5t

    Wow es sieht einfach mega geil aus was du bisher gemacht hast...

    Was meinsten wie lang du noch brauchst ?


    Das dauert noch. Ich hab mich nämlich nach längerem Überlegen entschlossen, doch das volle Programm zu machen - also mit der neuen Schrift. D.h. ich muss jeden Dialog im Spiel abändern, anpassen, teilweise kürzen, damit der Text vernünftig läuft. Das ist ganz schön mühsam, aber wenn man den direkten Vergleich zur alten Schrift sieht, dann lohnt sich die Mehrarbeit, denke ich. Wenn ich mit dem Unterwelt-Part durch bin und es Interesse gibt, dann gebe ich vielleicht schonmal eine erste Version für einen kleinen Beta-Test raus. Mal sehen! ;)

    Gibts hier eigentlich Neuigkeiten? Das ist eines der Projekte, auf dessen Ergebnis ich mich mit am meisten freue! FF5 ist schon auf Englisch klasse, aber in Deutsch mit der gelungenen GBA-Übersetzung wird das sicher nochmal ein ganz neues Erlebnis. Also, wer genaueres weiß, darf gerne ein paar neue Infos posten! :)

    Kurzes Update:

    Krysta, Phase 1 bis zum Öffnen von Pandoras Box sind fast alle neuen Texte eingefügt.

    Namen wurden verändert, aber nur sparsam. Vor allem: Fluffy wurde wie im Original zu Yomi.

    Zwei kleine Screens als Appetithappen: ;)

    Hier ein erster Eindruck.

    Neue Schrift, neuer Text. Erster Dialog im Spiel.

    PS: MopoZ, the ExHiROM doesn't run at ZSNES. Did you already now that? SNES9x is without any problem. The original ROM (4 MB, HiROM) could be run at ZSNES apparently...

    As always, MopoZ has done great work!

    I'm a bit unsure about using this new font, though. Using it would mean, we would have to edit ALL the dialogue, every line, as there would be more space within the text boxes.
    The original plan was to change just the passages that needed improvement because of the bad translation.

    So at this point I want to include the community into the process and ask, what you would prefer:

    - Using the new font which means more work.
    - Staying to the original plan and changing just the passages that really need to be changed, using the original German font.

    If the big majority of you thinks, it would be better to use the new font and do the complete dialogue, I would do it. So lets discuss it. In your eyes, what are advantages/disadvantages of using the new font?

    I don't make it...

    Take a look at the screen.

    Together with manakoAT we worked on it for more than one hour and we both didn't make it happen... Do we maybe need the "exHirom mapper" to succeed?

    Would be great, if you could help us again - this time best in a chat so we could do it step by step ;)

    You're absolutely right.
    To transfer to a new place you do not need knowledge of assembly language.
    A little later I'll show you everything in detail with screenshots. So how bad I am afraid to explain in words because my English is not so good. :)

    And a similar example to show to Roborek. Do not miss, manakoAT.

    Don't bother yourself with your language, what you do here ist just great! Can't say how much you helped me, as you've solved my biggest problem concerning Terranigma! :D So, not only manakoAT loves you, I love you too ;) !

    As I'm totally new to ROM-translation all these technical aspects are rather hard for me to understand, and guys like you with that big knowledge are invaluable to get the job done properly. Thank you a lot!

    by the way, the font you used at Robotrek looks rather cool. First, I concerned staying with the original Terranigma-font. But using it, there would just be space to put 18 digits in every line, which is not a great solution. So maybe in Terranigma, we should change the font, too.

    so, in Terranigma we do have 3-byte-pointers and that's why we won't need ASM to move the text to the new text-banks we gain through ROM-expansion. What we have to do is just change the values of the pointers to the new section within the ROM, is that right?

    Would be great news, if that's the case!!!

    Hi x5t!
    I have a GFX extractor, the script and made exHirom mapper, which was the place for up to 64 megabits. Still working on the font size. If there's anything you need, turned to me . ;)

    haha, you are somewhat quick in answering :D ! I've just posted my answer to your great offer into the Secret of Mana 2 treat. Escpecially the English script and help with ASM-aspects would be important to me. I think we sould discuss all the other Terranigma-related aspects in this treat, though! ;)