Secret of Mana 2 (Neuübersetzung)

  • Ich würde dir vorschlagen die Grafik gleich in der Größe zu erstellen, wie sie durch den vorhandenen Platz im ROM-Image vorgegeben ist. Für den Schriftzug stehen dir somit 176x32 Pixel zur Verfügung und für die "2" 40x40 Pixel, d.h., auch das gegebene Seitenverhältnis muss beachtet werden. Möglicherweise ließen sich die Tiles (8x8 Pixel große Felder) auch anderes anordnen, um ein anderes für dich passenderes Seitenverhältnis für den Schriftzug zu erhalten. Doch ich denke dafür fehlt den meisten hier - ohne jemanden zu nahe treten zu wollen - das notwendige Know How; inklusive mir.

    Das Bearbeiten der Farbpaletten sollte allerdings kein Problem darstellen, da sie nicht komprimiert sind. Die Palette des Türkis beginnt bei 0x3DEDD5 und die des Blau bei 0x3DEDF5.

    • Official Post

    Hallo, ich hab kein Plan davon ich erstell erst mal das Logo und mach es dann klein ??? Weiß momentan blos net ob ich das gelb lass oder das japanische grün nehme, aber ich glaube ich nehme den Marmor Effekt und lass das gelb, den Font ändere ich nicht (Strecken und so) denn so wie es jetzt hier ist ist es absolut Original zum Logo vom ersten Teil ^^
    Mit den massen das bekommen wir dann schon hin wenn's erst mal fertig ist, denke ich?

    • Official Post

    Hallo an alle,

    hi Jezze.

    Ich habe deine neue bin versucht einzufügen. Leider wurde wieder gesagt das nicht genug Speicher zur verfügung steht.
    Ich habe mal alle Schatten aus dem Schriftzug genommen um zu testen

    Das das resultat:

    Ich denke wenn der "Secret of Mana" Schriftzug etwas kleiner wäre - denke 5% oder 10% müßten reichen, dann sollte alles passen.

    Am besten du machst 2 Versionen.

    Nachtrag: Nachdem ich die "2" wieder mit allen Schatten eingefügt hatte, war der Platz wieder zu wenig
    Nachtrag 2: Jezze, kannst du mir mal deine Datei der Palette via mail senden?



  • Hallo an alle,

    So you can get the title into the rom, but because the surrounding effect is black, it turns into a transparency.
    Maybe you can recolor the black bits as a very dark green or blue?

    • Official Post

    So you can get the title into the rom, but because the surrounding effect is black, it turns into a transparency.
    Maybe you can recolor the black bits as a very dark green or blue?

    the bin file of jezze has shadows and no transparency. the problem is that i not enough space in the rom if the shadows are included. this is the reason why i have remove the shadows-



  • Gut, dann ist es wohl offensichtlich, das mein Sprites entweder zu groß sind oder zu viele Farben besitzen. Ich werde noch einmal zwei Versionen erstellen, die eine kleiner und die andere mit weniger Farben sowohl bei der "2" als auch bei "Secret of Mana".

    Den ZSNES Savestate mit den Paletten kann ich dir gerne per Mail schicken, oder du erstellst einfach einen Savestate mit ZSNES während der Titelbildschirm zu sehen ist.

  • So it's because there are too many variations in the color palette that makes it too big to fit with the shadows?

    • Official Post

    hi Kitsune_Baka

    Jezze and me did the new title screen in the Game and it looks like very good.

    At the image you see the old and new title screen for the english version.
    I have create a IPS file for the english version of SD3

    This is the log of the english SD3 Rom

    ---------------------Internal ROM Info----------------------
    File: SEIKEN3.SMC
    Name: SeikenDensetsu3e Company: Square
    Header: None Bank: HiROM
    Interleaved: None SRAM: 64 Kb
    Type: Normal + Batt ROM: 32 Mb
    Country: Japan Video: NTSC
    ROM Speed: 120ns (FastROM) Revision: 1.0
    Checksum: Bad 0x9178 != 0x19EF Game Code: A3DJ
    CRC32: FE07123A
    MD5: FD911993992A685D491440D59BE009DC

    Thanks @ Jezze for this amazing help ;)

    Zusatzinfo: Der 3 Playerhack funktioniert auch mit unserer Version. Habe ich gerade mit ZSNES getestet.



  • Thanks for not giving up, it looks awesome!

  • I had not seen the part where it says "no header" so when I tried to apply the patch to my headered rom, the title graphics distorted, lol... So I used NSRT to remove the header from a copy of the rom and THEN apply the patch, after that the title showed properly, but then I noticed the checksum had changed from "ok" to "fail." I loaded the rom back into NSRT and tried re-attatching the header to the rom... it still said fail. Then I tried using the program called Wasabi which has a "repair checksum" feature. This also did not fix it... Then I remembered I had the program called InSnest somewhere on my machine, but it was a program that required knowledge of Dos Command Lines. It took me a while to remember how to use that, and reading a tutorial, but I finally got it and used its "repair checksum" feature on a headered copy of the rom with the new title, the "repair checksum" feature in InSnest actually worked.

    I loooooooove the new title screen. ^^

    It even looks good with the 2xsai filter on.

    You should consider adding the title patch (and your finished german patch) to, unless you'd rather not.

  • As far as I can see the English translation already has this bad checksum. Anyway, I don't think that our patch should fix that problem, because it was only made to change the title screen. But your're absolutely right, the internal and the calculated checksum should be the same.

    If you like, I could try to provide a modified patch which works with the checksum-corrected English translation and will also have a valid checksum after patching.

    @ Red Scorpion
    Ich sehe gerade, dass mir nicht ganz klar ist welches ROM du zur Erstellung des Patches verwendet hast, denn ich kenne kein Image mit der Prüfsumme FE07123A. Zwar wird der Title Screen bei allen mir bekannten Varianten der englischen Übersetzung aus dem GoodSNES Set korrekt übertragen, doch passiert folgendes mit den Elfen im Intro des Spiels.

  • Damn, I was going to report that glitch with the fairies, but you beat me to it, lol...
    Btw Jezze, check your private messages.

  • The version of the rom I play is "1.01" of the english patch by Niel Corlette.

    I will locate a version of it before I applied DB's title patch. As long as the checksum issue is not what is interfering with the fairy sprite (or anything else) I don't suppose it really matters. Though if you could create a version of the patch that does not have the fairy glitches, and can be applied to the version 1.01 of Niel's English Patch while also changing the internal title to Secret of Mana 2, that would be great. If it could repair the checksum after patch, that would just be an added bonus... but even if it cannot and it leaves the checksum as "fail", there's always InSnest to repair it with.

    Speaking of Dragons Brethren, maybe someone could get in contact with him for advice, since he was able to take a title screen from the German rom and make that a patch without it affecting the fairy sprites.

    • Official Post

    Damn Bug! I have create the patch with german som2 rom with old title screen and new title screen.
    The checksum CRC FE07123A is from the som2 rom which magno use to create the tool.

    I have no idea how we can include the changed title screen in the english version when the ips from above makes bug during the fearies are flyiing from the mana tree.

    any ideas how we can create a working patch?



  • I have tried sending a message to DragonsBrethren, both at his Youtube and on his forum at SlickProductions.
    If he could take out the older german title screen and make that into a patch without it messing up anything,
    maybe he can extract the new title screen and make that into a safe, bugless patch.
    This is the patch from DB which I applied on top of the 1.01 version of Niel Corlette's english translation.
    I never had any problems or graphical issues after applying DB's patch, so surely he could help with this.

    To quote his words from the old Zophar thread from 2005:

    "All I did was compare the German patch to the original Japanese
    and took a couple pot-shots until the title screen "broke" then
    I just copied the data over from the German patch."